Thursday, December 22, 2011


This is the most simple and delicious flavored boiled eggs. You can eat by itself or with Ramen.

Ingredients :

5 eggs
50 ml Japanese soy sauce (I use Yamasa)
1 cup of water
6 thinly sliced ginger
1 star anise
1 stalk scallion - cut into 1 inch
2 tbs sugar

1. Boil the eggs, discard the water, and gently crack the egg shell with a spoon - set aside.

2. In a small pot, add all of the ingredients and cook in medium heat until it boils. Add the eggs, cook for another 2 minutes in low heat. Let the eggs sit in the sauce. The longer they sit in the sauce, the better they taste :) I usually leave them overnight.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Soup is a perfect dish for winter time. We just finished up what I call "YELLOW BEEF SOUP" :) It's not too difficult to cook. You only need at least 2 hours :D.
(It takes time to boil the beef)

Ingredients :
2 lbs beef ( I used baby shank, but you can use chuck or brisket) - cut into small cubes.
2 stalks lemongrass, cut into 2 inches and bruised
6 kafir lime leaves
1 inch galangal, crushed
3 tbs sugar
1 tbs salt
1 tea spoon pepper
2,500 ml water

10 cloves garlic
8 shallots
1 inch ginger
2 inches turmeric
1/2 tea spoon salt


1. Bring the water to boil, add the beef and cook until tender. (I usually discard the first boiling water. Add 2,500 ml new water in the pot to boil).

2. Finely grind the garlic,shallots,ginger,turmeric and salt. Saute in 2 tbs cooking oil about 1 minute. Set aside.

3. Saute lemongrass, galangal, kafir lime leaves in 1 tbs cooking oil, add all of them in boiling water, then add the spice paste. Mix well and add sugar, salt, and pepper.

4. Garnish with finely sliced scallion.

5. Serve with crispy shallot, ABC sweet soy sauce, lime wedges and hot steam rice.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Soto Mie is beef broth soup with noodles, tomato, finely sliced lettuce,and spring rolls.

1 lb brisket - diced
5 Kafir lime leaves
2 Bay leaves
2 Stalks of lemon grass - cut into 3 inches and bruised.
2 liter of water

Finely Ground Ingredients:
8 medium size shallots
5 cloves of garlic
3 candlenuts
2 tbs salt
2 tbs sugar
3/4 tbs ground white pepper
2 tbs dried shrimp

Fried shallots
Finely sliced cabbage
Finely sliced scallions
150 gram of yellow noodles
150 gram of rice noodles
Spring rolls*

Sweet soy sauce
~Cook diced brisket in boiling water about 20 minutes. Discard the first boiling water and add new water in the pot.
~Saute lemon grass, kafir lime leaves,bay leaves in 1 tbs of cooking oil then add to the boiling water. Cook until the meat is tender.
~Saute dried shrimp in 2 tbs of cooking oil, add shallots, garlic, and candlenuts. Saute for another minute. Set aside. Grind all the ingredients + sugar, salt, and pepper. Add all finely ground ingredients in the pot and cook with medium heat around 15-20 minutes.

5 spring roll wrappers
20 grams of rice noodles - soak in water
1 medium size carrot - grated
5 medium size shrimp - skinned and finely chopped
3 cloves of garlic - finely chopped
Pepper to taste
Salt to taste
~ Saute garlic in 2 tbs of cooking oil, add the shrimp, grated carrot, rice noodles, pepper, and salt. cook for 2 minutes. Set aside. Allow it to cool before you wrap it.

50 gram of Thai chilies
6 medium size shallots
Sugar to taste
Salt to taste
~ Saute chilies an shallots in 1 tbs of cooking oil before you grind them.

Boil water in another pot, add rice noodles/ yellow noodles and stir.Turn off the stove. Rinse with cold water.

Arrange rice noodles, yellow noodles in a bowl, garnish with scallions, sliced tomatoes,finely sliced cabbage, fried shallots, and wedge of lime. Pour the soup, add ABC sweet soy sauce, vinegar, and chili.

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


If you love spicy food, you might wanna try this :)

6 hard boiled eggs - peel off the shell.
1/2 tbs salt
5 tbs granulated sugar
2 kafir lime leaves
5 tbs tamarind juice (Soak 20gr tamarind paste in 1/2 cup of hot water for 5 minutes. Squeeze to extract the juice.Discard the pulp - set aside.)
1/4 cup of water
Cooking oil

Grind these following ingredients:
4 shallots
3 cloves of garlic
1 pack red jalapeno chili


Heat cooking oil in the pan,and deep fried the eggs until they turn slightly brown - set aside.

Heat 10 spoons of cooking oil in the pan to fry the ground ingredients above (shallots, garlic, and chili) for 3 minutes.

Add salt, sugar, kafir lime leaves,tamarind juice, and water. Cook for another 2 minutes, and add the eggs. Mix well and remove from heat.

Thursday, June 02, 2011


Sometimes I prepare stir fried rice noodles for lunch. My husband loves it :) - He says it's good, otherwise he has to cook for himself :D
Today I cooked simple fried rice noodle with shrimp. (I don't have veggies in the fridge).You can add veggies if you like though.Yu Choy Sum will do.

100 gr rice noodles - softens in water.
3 cloves garlic - thinly sliced
2 shallots - thinly sliced
1 egg
5 large shrimp - remove the skin and cut in bite size
2 tbs fish sauce
1 tbs ABC soy sauce
1 tbs ABC sweet soy sauce
1/4 tea spoon of pepper
3 tbs cooking oil to stir fry
1/4 cup of water

Heat cooking oil in the pan, add garlic and shallots.Stir fry until it turns light brown.

Add an egg and scramble. Put in the shrimp, stir fry for awhile and add rice noodles, fish sauce, soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, pepper, and water. I like to toss it with chopsticks and spatula to mix all the ingredients. Cook on high heat for 5 minutes or until the water dries up and remove form heat.

I recommend WAI WAI Brand Rice noodles.It has soft texture, similar to Indonesian rice noodles.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Terong goreng kecap is one of my favorite dishes.I've cooked it for several times, and just got a chance to post the recipe.

2 Medium size eggplants - cut into pieces
4 Cloves garlic - thinly sliced
2 Thai chilies - cut diagonally
3 tbs of sweet soy sauce*
2 tbs of soy sauce*
1/2 cup of water
Sprinkle of ground white pepper.
8 tbs of cooking oil

Heat 6 tbs of cooking oil, add the eggplants and fry about 2 minutes - set aside
Heat 2 tbs of cooking oil to saute the garlic until slightly brown then add chilies,sweet soy sauce,soy sauce,water,sprinkle of pepper,and fried eggplant - cook on medium heat until the eggplant is soft.

I use ABC sweet soy sauce and soy sauce for cooking. I've used KIKKOMAN soy sauce for this dish,but the taste is different :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Nasi Uduk is also known as coconut steamed rice. Usually served with fried chicken, eggs, sliced cucumber. Additional dishes can be added; fried anchovies, fried tofu or soybean cakes, and fish crackers. Fried shallots usually sprinkles on the rice :)

Ingredients for Nasi Uduk are:
1.5 cups jasmine rice
200 ml coconut milk ( I use Kara )
1/4 tbs salt
1 pandan leaf
1 lemon grass - take the white part


Rinse the rice and add coconut milk, salt, pandan leaf, lemon grass, and water. Stir well and cook in the rice cooker.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Ingredients :

1 small bag (around 120 gram) regular or salted anchovies
2 Thai chilies - remove the seeds, thinly sliced and fried
2 lime leaves (optional)
1 bay leaf (optional)
3 cloves garlic - minced
5 tea spoon sugar
3 tbs tamarind juice - dissolve tamarind paste in hot water
1/2 tea spoon salt (optional) - I use dried salted anchovies, salt is not added.
2 tbs oil to saute

How to Cook:

Deep frying anchovies until slightly brown - set aside.
Saute garlic, lime leaves, bay leaf and add the tamarind juice, then add fried anchovies and chilies. Stir well and remove from heat.

Monday, February 28, 2011


I tried to cook something different today ! Something that I haven't cooked; Pad Thai - stir fried rice noodles with eggs, tamarind juice, red chili sauce, fish sauce, along with shrimp, meat, chicken, bean sprouts.

100 gram Thai rice noodles
1 cup raw shrimp, shell removed
1 shallot, finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 egg
1 cup bean spouts
1 green onion, slice into 1 inch pieces
1/4 cup dry roasted peanuts - crushed
3 tbs oil for stir frying

Pad Thai Sauce
3/4 tbs tamarind paste
1/4 cup hot water
2 tbs fish sauce
3-5 tbs chili sauce - I use Sriracha
3 tbs palm sugar

1. Bring a pot of water to boil, remove from heat and soak the rice noodles until soft to eat, but still firm and crunchy. Drain and rinse the noodles with cold water. Set aside.

2. In a small bowl, dissolve the tamarind paste in hot water, then add the other pad Thai sauce ingredients. Stir well to dissolve the palm sugar. Set aside.

3. Heat the frying pan, add 2 tbs oil, swirl around then add shallots and garlic. Stir fry 1 minute.

4. Add the shrimp. Stir fry 2-3 minutes until the shrimp turn pink.

5. Push ingredients aside, making room in the center in your pan. Add 1 tbs oil, crack the egg, stir fry to scramble.

6. Add the noodles and drizzle the pad Thai sauce. Use 2 utensils and gentle toss to combine everything together. Keep the heat medium.

7. Add bean sprouts and continue stir frying for 1 minute.

8. Remove from heat. You can add extra fish sauce if you prefer.

9. Sprinkle green onion, crushed peanuts,and a little bit of white pepper.


Sunday, February 27, 2011


My husband and I just made Rujak this afternoon. Easy to prepare, but it stinks when it comes to grilling the shrimp paste (terasi).

Ingredients for the rujak dressing are:
150 gram palm sugar
20 gram grilled shrimp paste - optional
150 gram roasted peanuts
2 - 3 red Thai chillies
Tamarind juice (soak the tamarind paste in 1/4 cup of hot water and squeeze with a spoon to extract the juice)
Salt to taste


Grind palm sugar, grilled shrimp paste,Thai chillies, and roasted peanuts together. Then add tamarind juice and salt.

Indonesian rujak usually consists of mango, pineapple, jicama, cucumber, raw papaya, rose apple(jambu), and raw sweet potato. Slice the fruits into bite size.