Sunday, February 27, 2011


My husband and I just made Rujak this afternoon. Easy to prepare, but it stinks when it comes to grilling the shrimp paste (terasi).

Ingredients for the rujak dressing are:
150 gram palm sugar
20 gram grilled shrimp paste - optional
150 gram roasted peanuts
2 - 3 red Thai chillies
Tamarind juice (soak the tamarind paste in 1/4 cup of hot water and squeeze with a spoon to extract the juice)
Salt to taste


Grind palm sugar, grilled shrimp paste,Thai chillies, and roasted peanuts together. Then add tamarind juice and salt.

Indonesian rujak usually consists of mango, pineapple, jicama, cucumber, raw papaya, rose apple(jambu), and raw sweet potato. Slice the fruits into bite size.

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