Thursday, December 22, 2011


This is the most simple and delicious flavored boiled eggs. You can eat by itself or with Ramen.

Ingredients :

5 eggs
50 ml Japanese soy sauce (I use Yamasa)
1 cup of water
6 thinly sliced ginger
1 star anise
1 stalk scallion - cut into 1 inch
2 tbs sugar

1. Boil the eggs, discard the water, and gently crack the egg shell with a spoon - set aside.

2. In a small pot, add all of the ingredients and cook in medium heat until it boils. Add the eggs, cook for another 2 minutes in low heat. Let the eggs sit in the sauce. The longer they sit in the sauce, the better they taste :) I usually leave them overnight.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Soup is a perfect dish for winter time. We just finished up what I call "YELLOW BEEF SOUP" :) It's not too difficult to cook. You only need at least 2 hours :D.
(It takes time to boil the beef)

Ingredients :
2 lbs beef ( I used baby shank, but you can use chuck or brisket) - cut into small cubes.
2 stalks lemongrass, cut into 2 inches and bruised
6 kafir lime leaves
1 inch galangal, crushed
3 tbs sugar
1 tbs salt
1 tea spoon pepper
2,500 ml water

10 cloves garlic
8 shallots
1 inch ginger
2 inches turmeric
1/2 tea spoon salt


1. Bring the water to boil, add the beef and cook until tender. (I usually discard the first boiling water. Add 2,500 ml new water in the pot to boil).

2. Finely grind the garlic,shallots,ginger,turmeric and salt. Saute in 2 tbs cooking oil about 1 minute. Set aside.

3. Saute lemongrass, galangal, kafir lime leaves in 1 tbs cooking oil, add all of them in boiling water, then add the spice paste. Mix well and add sugar, salt, and pepper.

4. Garnish with finely sliced scallion.

5. Serve with crispy shallot, ABC sweet soy sauce, lime wedges and hot steam rice.